Monday, August 2, 2010

What a long, strange, 4 days it's been.

The past 4 days have flown by; I have done so much since then, in such little time! I've journeyed to the center of the universe; saw the hottest rock band in the world; got a new closet built just for me, to house my bed clothes; got an original Beetle-Cornett-made Halloween tablecloth; bought some tile for the upstairs bathroom; ate some fried green tomatoes; wrote a protocol (boo! How dare I even discuss WORK on a fun-filled blog); perused more recipes; bought some Christmas presents (it's never too soon to start Christmas shopping); got the scoop on the black bear storming around Combs Branch, eating Denny Ray's peaches; witnessed a small boy eat a large burger (triple baconator to be exact); laughed hysterically at the expense of my dearest cousin/sister and the orc mask; tried a sausage gravy breakfast and paid dearly; had a sad departure with cousin Codar; and drank a Peach Nehi. A pretty good 4 days, if you ask me!

Me and Codar had a blast at the concert. KISS was awesome. Now, I only know about 4 Kiss songs, but you don't even need to know any to appreciate the show. For starters, their entrance was straight up rock-n-roll: fireworks, rebel yells, smoke, screeching guitars, plain ole fire, moving stages, Catman rising from the pits of hell, etc. Rock yer face off! As the show progressed, we saw Ace Frehley shoot explosives from his guitar. Gene Simmons was in full fire-breathing, tongue-shaking, blood-spitting rock-n-roll Demon mode. Peter Criss was killing it on the drums. And of course, the Starchild was brilliant, flying out above the masses, gettin' groovy for the Nati. Hell, we even said the pledge of allegiance to the United States of America. Oh, and they played a little Led for our head.

Heading back to Dwarf Labor Day weekend, I hope. This visiting for 1 day jazz is getting old. I like spending time with my Mommaw. I wish she lived closer. She is so hilarious with her commentary on the Reds baseball games, pop culture (Mommaw on Mel Gibson--"That man needs his head examined." She is thoroughly perturbed by Mel, and I highly doubt she has ever seen one of his movies), and Papaw's sisters (Mommaw on Papaw's sisters--"Them women 'round yonder would drive anybody insane. They asked Bob what the black bear looked like. Like he knew! Denny Ray saw it. Bob didn't run out and measure it.") She also told us about her dream--she had a dream she saw a copperhead and that Uncle Glenn killed it, chopped it up into 3 pieces. "Good grief! What a dream! When you dream of a copperhead, that means one's lurking around. You better stay out of them weeds and the tomatoes!"--Uncle Bob to Mommaw.

1 comment:

  1. You and Jason are so mean with that orc mask, I can't believe you all did that.
