Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Missing my friend and back to school

My world is so lonely without Jenna and Doug. I miss talking to them throughout the day. Jenna will be back next week, and hopefully Doogie will be feeling better and back to normal soon!

Soon my nights of doing nothing will be over. This weekend, I'll actually have to do homework. Yuck! But, it won't be so bad. I am very excited about my classes. Last night was the first day of school! Both classes sound like they're going to be very neat:

HIS 515 Introduction to Public History - In this class, I will get to explore all the career options I will have once I obtain my MA. We will hear from experts from the field and do some networking. We will get to be archivists and sort through a prominent Ky family's postcard collection and determine which are appropriate for public view and which need to be stashed away forever.

HIS 616 Oral History - I am most excited for this class. Learning the art of interviewing. Can you see me interviewing someone? I will be like Buddy the Elf..."What's your favorite color?" Our class project will be over Rosedale Manor or The Beverly Hills Club fire. I think I will be working on the latter, but that shall be determined next Tuesday. Oh, and one of the coolest projects for the class: Foodways exercise--I get to interview a family member on a family dish. Write a narrative about the dish, cook it, and bring it to class on our last day. How awesome! I get credit for doing this? : )

This is going to be a great semester! I hope Doogie's semester in laaaaaw school is equally as fun.

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