Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sign says, "Stay away fools, cause love rules at the lo-o-ove shack!"

I want to go to Italy. I want to go to Italy and I want to go to Paris. I am currently reading Eat, Pray, Love, and Elizabeth Gilbert is making Italy sound more enticing by the page. She writes about what I'm interested in doing while visiting that country--eating! I am thoroughly enjoying this read, and I think you'd like it, too. So, pick it up, and maybe we'll both be finished reading it by the time it hits the dollar theater ($1.75 movie on Tuesday nights)!

Nights always pass so quickly when you get home from work. It doesn't seem like I've been home for 5 hours. As soon as I got home this evening, I hit the treadmill. I am so out of shape. I thought I was going to die just on my first mile. I could run no more than that. I need to get with it if I want to look like Wonder Woman. I have a sad feeling that I'm just going to be a short, chubby version of WW. Oh well, works for me. Are you coming to the Halloween party? It's superhero themed! Be thinking of your costume (or coshtume, in Doogie speak).

Speaking of Eat, Pray, Love, here's a quote from the book that I underlined last night. It is Giovanni speaking to Liz when they are teaching each other Italian/English.

"Liz, you must be very polite with yourself when you are learning something new."

I really appreciate this line. I think I'll tuck it away in my pocket for future use. I sometimes get down on myself for not picking something up quickly. This reminds me that learning something new is a challenge, and I shouldn't expect to get it in a snap.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, I love this book! You will the other two sections just as much as Italy. You should read the Hunger Games series when you finish that one. It's totally different than Eat, Pray, Love, but totally amazing too! The last of the 3 part series is due out later this month, so it's a good time to start reading them.
