Sunday, December 29, 2013

30 Years Young

I tried to google a clever quote on turning 30, but they were all depressing. So, I'll settle for quoting myself. Birthdays are awesome, no matter what the number. It means you've been lucky enough to have another year with your family, friends, and kittens. It means you get your favorite supper, cake, presents, kisses, hugs, and well wishes from all kinds of folks. Who doesn't like birthdays? Crazy people, that's who! I'm here to tell you, this has been the perfect birthday!

Doug got up with the boys this morning so I could sleep in AND take a shower---luxurious! 

Came downstairs and fried the boys some goetta--their favorite, and listened to them giggle and holler while they munched.

Around noon, I headed out to run around with Miss Jovita and grab a bite to eat. We had my favorites: Skyline and Graeter's. You know, if I can't have soup beans, fried taters, and corn bread from Dwarf, I'll settle for a 4-way with onions and a chocolate milkshake any day. Thank you, Cincinnati, for having delicious food.

When I got home, the boys were ready for a nap! I love naps because they always begin with and end with me getting to rock and snuggle my dudes. 
That's all 3 of us piled in that recliner.

We ended the night with some light reading (only about 15-20 books) and more kisses and hugs. 30 ain't so bad!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Our Day (in Pictures)

When Doug gets home from work on Tuesdays and Thursdays, the first thing he asks is, "What did you guys do today?" So, today, I thought I'd capture our day in photos for him so he knows what we're up to while he's at work.
Goetta for breakfast!

Dinosaur Train while I cleaned up the kitchen.

The Bear took Jules for a spin.

"Hey, Brother. Let's play cars!"

Playing cars on the window sill...their new favorite spot!

Playing cars on the slide. 

Time for a snack! Mmm grapes!

Reading some books.


Helping me run the sweeper.

Annihilating some bacon.

Annihilating some of Grammy's Cincinnati Chili.

Finally dressed for the day and SLIDING!

Reading some more books.

Uncle Dacian's home!

Nap time!

Wranglin' a gator!

Friday, December 6, 2013

The Birds

For Thanksgiving, the boys, Doug, and I headed on down to Dwarf. It's always such a fun time being home and hanging with my family. We have a good time visiting with each other, telling stories, and eating lots of food. And laughing. We love to laugh.

This past weekend was no exception.

We were sitting in the living room watching Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds while the rest of America was watching football. The room was full of about 6 or 7 family members.

It was at that part in the movie where the birds were starting to come into Lydia's house via pecking through the windows.

My Uncle pipes up, "Boys, he just stuck his pecker through that window!"

Well, you can imagine how we all roared with laughter over that one.

We recovered, the movie played on, and directly, the birds moved from coming through the window to coming through the doors!

What follows almost put us all in stitches. 

Mommaw says, "Boys, they've got some hard peckers!"

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Hot Wheels

Look closely at the left hand of Jonas Abraham for it holds something incredibly valuable: the only Hot Wheels car in our house. That's right, friends. Today has been nothing but one giant brother fight all because of that little teal minivan.

Dear Santa,

Screw peace on earth. I want peace at 125. Bring us some dadgum Hot Wheels!

Your friend,
Alli G