Thursday, July 22, 2010

Why do we care what other people think of us? I find myself bent out of shape sometimes because someone doesn't like me or something about me. Why do I care? Why do I let the thoughts of others, who I may not even like or have any type of relationship with, bother me? Today, I am taking a stand. Today, I say eff those guys. I'm happy with me and my life, so I'm not going to let some jerk bring me down. What do they know? They're just miserable toads who want to make everyone else miserable. Not this ole gal! I'm turning over a new leaf! Time to only care about the opinions of those whom I respect. If I respect them, then they respect me, and they would only say nice things about me, because I don't respect jerks. Now, I don't believe that last sentence made a lick of sense!

Since as long as I can remember, my Pappaw always had goofy little sayings, Pappawisms. Here are a few:

Plime blank

You tell 'em come on, Clabe and 'em

When I was young and eatin' a tater, I fooled around with the wrong tomater.

Whenever you swallow a bubble, it won't give you any trouble, if you only swallow the bubble that gave you all the trouble!

(As he dug through the fridge): Gonna make me a salat (salad)! S-A-L-A-T!

(As he was pulling out of the driveway): Is it cler (clear)? C-L-E-R!

Had a little mule and his name was cow, put him in the barn but he didn't know how!

(After the phone rang): There's the foam.

(As he brought the car to a stop): Whoa, big feller, whoa whoa!

(Pet names for Mommaw): Beetle, my little dough beater

Name for women: Dough beaters

Gustatory- of or pertaining to taste or tasting. I like that word. It seems as if it fits into my life. I think a lot about food. I think of food a lot.

Lots of books I want to read, but next on my list is Eat, Pray, Love. I think it is going to be a good one. It may even help me get out of this weird funk I've been in lately. I've been looking for a fun, inspirational book, maybe this will be it.

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