Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I think I'm going to be a weekday vegetarian. I've grown weak as time has passed (it's been over a month) and I find myself craving a big juicy bacon cheeseburger. I don't have to have meat every day, but when you start thinking you're not allowed to have it, you want it even more, so maybe a burger on the occasional weekend won't be so bad. Life is short, eat a cheeseburger if you want!

I want to pulverise my brother. He is a punk. I drove 4 hours to pick him up Saturday, and he didn't even come home with me. He's done. I'm tired of fooling with the brat. I do a pretty good job with ignoring folks (when they become dead to me) and holding a grudge. It's not healthy, but I'm good at it. I hope he's ready to face the consequences of dissing his sister. As long as I ignore "Past Dilly" (that's how I refer to him when he was good) and remember the a-hole version, I should be set. But he is my one and only brother, so we shall see.

See, the thing is, you don't get to choose your family. You're stuck with the one you got forever. Maybe someday my brother will wake up and GET A GRIP, as Steven Tyler says.

Says Mommaw, "You look pretty this morning!" What a precious woman! Wish I didn't live so far away from her. I very much enjoy hanging with the Beetle, with Pappaw's little dough-beater. The agend for this weekend included: trash talking, gossipping, craft perusing, a trip to Pizza Hit, watching the Reds, story telling (see The Man and his Stud below), and rummaging recipes. I wish I could visit with her every day.

The Man and His Stud as told by Mommaw

Well, we went down to Wolfe County for an estate auction with Unique. And I swear, if Bethel didn't embarass me to death. He was riding around Campton on an old horse. Now, that horse was a stud and it was used to gettin out for one thing only, so when it got out, it thought it was gonna get that thing. (Holds hands apart to show length) It was about like that. I was ashamed to be there. He sniggered and said, "Ah, just hit it in that old thing and it'll go back in!" Can you believe that? He said he was going to have to take it out behind the courthouse and give it a whippin. It wasn't the horse's fault!

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