Sunday, July 25, 2010


Isn't it weird to go on facebook and see people you've known forever but now don't seem to know at all? You check out a profile of a girl who, when you were in high school, was going to be you friend til the end. You see she's married, has babies, has this whole wonderful life, all of which happened without you around. Strange how people come into our lives and leave just as fast. I miss some of them. I'm glad to see some of them go. But they were all characters in this movie of my life, and that is a pretty nifty thing to ponder.

Ponder...'pon my honor. :) Another Pappawism. I miss him. I'm always looking for him when I go home. When I go through the door at Mommaw's, I'm waiting to hear him holler at the Beetle, or see him take off 'round yonder to tend to his crazy sisters.

Boomer and I are sisters. :) Not really, but mostly. Did you know that my mom said Boomer's mom was the "sister-in-law I can't get rid of." Boomer's mom was married to my mom's brother and years later married my dad's brother (aka Unc). You might be a redneck if you get remarried and have the same in-laws!

Lawsy me! My mom just told me that my family members (dad's side) are mad because I didn't invite them to my wedding. I have been married for 2 months. They are just now worried about not getting invited? Good Lord, you can see why they weren't invited. Bunch of moron rednecks. I can't even imagine. My perfect day would have been a nightmare. Farting at the table, followed by exclamations, "Shoot low, Sheriff, I'm coming through!" Them people ain't been out of the holler in decades. Did they honestly think I was going to invite them to my wedding. Good grief! They know I hate them.

Them Millers are gone! You know who I'm talking about. My crazy Covington redneck neighbors. They're about as bad as the Joneses, but better 'cause I ain't related to them. Anyhow, their house is being foreclosed, so they are history! I'm so glad I don't have to talk to or look at them any longer. Or see them trample through my yard because walking on the side walk means more time elapses until the next 40. They could be pretty funny, though. Especially that skinny one! I loved when he would come talk to Doogie. Hahahaha! You couldn't even understand a word he was saying. Lord, I just hope whoever ends up in that house is better and not worse.

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