Friday, July 16, 2010

How can children be sweet then turn into heathens within a matter of months? Can they change that much from Easter to July? What about teenagers? One day your brother is an innocent, charming little feller and the next, he's a royal pain in the arse. Are we always changing like this? When do we finally morph into the person we are, will be? Some folks say that I've changed from the person they knew me to be in high school or college. Have I? It doesn't feel like it. I mean, I've obviously matured, embraced womanhood, become a professional, got married, bought a house. I'm not the same girl I was then, I've grown up, but essentially all the fixin's of old me are still present. I talk the same. I tell the same lame jokes and stories. Wear the same dorky t-shirts. Listen to the same music. Laugh the same. Love the same people (minus a couple, add a lot more). Watch the Wildcats. Vote Democrat. I still read. I still write. I still sing opera music as loudly and as horribly as always. I still wear canvas converse. And I'm still deathly afraid of snakes, slugs, and Michael Myers. Maybe I haven't changed. Maybe they have!

They have hotdogs at Great American Ballpark and I might just break down and eat me one. Would the vegetarian gods forgive me for one slip-up? I mean, is it legal to go to a ballpark and NOT get a dog? It has to be un-American at the very least. What will happen to my stomach if I consume a hotdog? I haven't eaten meat in over a month. Will my stomach be able to digest cow hooves and intestines?

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