Monday, September 13, 2010

Mission Failed

I went on a mission to purchase black cat Halloween pajamas today at lunch, but Old Navy failed me. No size Ms. How dare you, Old Navy! Why is it that every time I want to purchase an article of clothing, the only sizes left on the shelf are XS or XL? Boo to Old Navy! They are skanktrons. Now I will be forced to venture all the way out to Florence in a quest to find my spooky pjs.

Pjs...Brian says men don't wear pjs. Is that true? Is that why you don't wear those snowmen pjs I bought especially for you, husband? Men are so strange.

Stranger things have happened, but I vehemently believe that I will be destroyed tomorrow. I have lost a cookbook...ahem...cookmagazine, and its owner will be upset with me. It's been nice knowin' ya, kids. I threw it in the trash this weekend when I was de-cluttering my crib. Cleaning never amounts to any good.

Good grief! My head hurts. Had another stressful day. I wish I had a stress-free job. Doug says I worry too much about silly things. He is right. I don't know why I let things bother me. No one else seems to care, so why should I get all worked about it?!

It seems as if I have abandoned altogether my notion of blogging about food. I haven't tried a new recipe in weeks. I am too lazy; it is really depressing. I get home and get into my pjs and don't wanna do anything! I will amend this. This week I shall make my pumpkin cookies; I will photograph the cookies; and I will blog about the whole process. It shall be so.

So, I kinda wanna see that new Ben Affleck movie, "The Town." Anyone interested? I had nightmares about it last night, though. Yes, I know it's not a scary movie, but you have to admit there's something terrifying about angry dudes carrying tommy guns sporting creepy old man masks. So, why do I want to see this? I don't know. It looks good. Affleck looks good. Blair Lively is a crack skank in it, but she still looks good. All-in-all, it's a good lookin' movie. I'm guessing Doogie won't be up for it. You let me know if you want to accompany to a showing.

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