Friday, September 24, 2010

Scaredy Allicat!

Lorelai Gilmore is a great actress. Last night, I started watching her new show, Parenthood, and it's pretty good. It has Lorelai and Coach (Craig T. Nelson) in it. Can't ask for a better cast! It also has the dude from Six Feet Under, I think that's what he was on. Anyhow, it's a good show, but honestly, I can't see that woman as anyone but Lorelai Gilmore. Also, Sookie has her own TV show these days. What's up with Rory? She needs to get with the program and stop making lame movies (i.e., Post Grad).

Grad school is hard. There is so much work to be done and I am so lazy. I also want to take this opportunity to say that I don't particularly enjoy group work. You'd think that group work would be okay if you're group consisted of adult graduate students, but you'd be wrong. It's still the same story: a few show up, a few do the work, and I'm one of the few. Oh well, at least my group project is interesting, and I actually enjoy doing the work. We are studying the Beverly Hills Supper Club fire of 1977. I'll tell you about once I know more about it myself. I will be interviewing a police officer who was one of the first responders. Should be intense. I hope I don't mess everything up. You know I am a nervous wreck when talking to new people, add that to talking to a hero about an awful night, plus getting graded on it = not cool. I am scared.

I am scared of my basement. When I go down the dark, you know, it's really freaking creepy. Sometimes, I am scared by my own shadow. Sometimes, I see dead people. Sometimes, I think the reflection of the laundry detergent in the window is actually a creepy prowler staring into my basement. Gives me the creeps just thinking about it.

It is also terrible when the cats freak out for no good reason at all. I like to think my children would protect me from evil, like Clovis the Attack Cat from Sleepwalkers. However, sometimes, I think something in my house is scaring them. They'll just be sitting there (or laying there in the case of BC), and then go berserk, as if someone or something is messing with them. They run through the house like they're chasing a sleepwalker! I think my house is haunted. I wonder if we could get some ghosthunters over there to check the place out.

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