Thursday, September 2, 2010

Tootsie Pops, The Possum, and Edward Cullen

I wish you could get blowpops without the gum. The gum is simply sub-par. It sticks to your teeth, that is, if you can even break it up enough for it to take on its gummy attributes. I broke a tooth once on a blowpop. I was a senior in high school. It was the gum's fault, and that is why I stay away from the gummy center, folks. I wish there was more candy coating! I do not share these same feelings toward Tootsie Pops. The tootsie roll center of the Tootsie Pop is always chewable. They are delectable! But, the Tootsie Pop candy coating flavors are not as yummy as the blowpop favors (except the purple ones...purple IS a flavor). If there was only a way to combine the 2!

2 big regrets:

1. I'm speaking for my bestie when I say this...not acquiring that George "Possum" Jones t-shirt that once belonged to your dear Grandma, which she purchased at the Preble County Fair. If you don't regret turning this gem down, I regret it for you. What a classic t-shirt!

2. Thebiggest regret of my life: Spending my time and hard-earned money on Twilight. Bought the books, read the books (except, I couldn't bring myself to finish the 4th one after all that imprinting on babies business...creeped me out), paid to go see not 1, not 2, but 3 of those God awful movies. I made those people rich and famous, and they suck (no pun intended).

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