Saturday, January 26, 2013

Spoiler Alert!

11 PM Friday night: I am upstairs in the nursery perusing the internet for vacation destinations. I hear this wild, loud cackle coming from downstairs. "What on earth?" I ask myself. So, I set my laptop aside to go check out the situation. It was Carol hysterically laughing at Dacian who was trying to pass off "munt" as a word in Scrabble. It's getting wild in the Woods, y'all!

11:30 PM Friday night: Finally in bed. I drift off to sleep thinking about the Parenthood Season Finale. Did you see it? I am so glad that Sarah is left alone. Ugh, she kills me. She has trampled on poor Mark's heart a dozen times. Then, finally she serves him the last blow, and chooses grouchy ole Hank over him (p.s. Why was Mark's facial hair always so scraggly? Made me sick.). But the brilliant thing is, that Hank is moving to Minnesota. Ha! Adios, Sarah! Have fun being single and continuing to live with your parents when you are 90 years old! You are no Lorelai Gilmore, and it hurts me so. Also, I kinda wanted Christina to still have cancer. I like her and all, but it was just too clean for a season finale. I thought the show might be a little edgy and have her continue her battle or die off, but that didn't happen. Anyway, what kind of inspirational story would that have been? I guess they couldn't kill her off. I don't know, I just like when shows are a little unpredictable...

Except when it is Game of Thrones! (Yes, I am still ranting about this!) Ned Stark should not have died by his own sword! I can't believe Doug let me read that entire book, and listened to me as I tried to guess how in the world Ned was to be saved. Would Aria throw needle with such precision as to stab Ilyn Payne in the head, forcing him to drop Ice, whereupon Ned would pick up Ice and single-handedly take out every Lannister in sight? Or would Aria's direwolf, Nymeria, come soaring through the crowd and bite off Ilyn Payne's arm, whereupon Ned would pick up Ice from Payne's cold, dead arm, and single-handedly take out every Lannister in sight? Or, finally, would the army of Rob Stark or Stannis Baratheon come tearing into King's Landing at just the right moment, startling Ilyn Payne, whereupon Ned would pick up Ice and single-handedly take out every Lannister in sight? But none of these scenarios happened, and Eddard Stark was no more. And I was left sitting there, madder than hell, and in shock--how could he kill off his main character who was a complete bad ass just like that?

Speaking of spoiling the endings of shows...this one time in college, I was watching The Sixth Sense for the very first time. There was about 10 minutes left in the movie, when my drunken friend stumbles into my apartment--"You know he's dead, right?" Bah! Thanks. Thanks for that.

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