Monday, January 28, 2013

A Case of the Mondays

A list of things I've cried about today...well, not literally cried...a list of things I've whined about today:

Extreme snuggling.
My freaking foot hurts. Remember TWO WEEKS ago when I fell down the stairs in the bathroom?Yeah, still feeling that one. In addition to sucking for the mere pain aspect, there's also the whole I'm supposed to be exercising thing. A bum foot really impedes power-walking. I feel like a big loser because I haven't been hitting the gym, but truly my foot aches! What can you do but whine?

I was in the kitchen fixing myself a nice cold pop when I thought, "Hey, when Doug gets home, I'm going to get him to take me to Steak-n-Shake! Right on! Cheeseburger! Skinny fries! Strawberry milkshake!" Then I remembered, "Oh, wait. The little dudes. They'll be asleep when Doug gets home and we can't wake them for a 10 PM trip to Steak-n-Shake. Drat!"

Flipping through the channels trying to find something good to watch on the tube and I come across "Extreme Snuggling." YES! That sounds like my kind of show. Perhaps it is a program full of snuggling babies and kitties and puppies! Oh wait. That says, "Extreme Smuggling." Epic fail.

Ah, I guess today wasn't ALL bad. Here are a few gems:

I didn't know Juan Epstein was in Styx.
I devoured a package of white chocolate covered pretzels (100 calories pack--See! I'm  still on my diet!). Yum!

This morning as I sat down at my desk, my lovely coworker greeted me with amazing news: the boss was out of the office! Hooray! No ambushes with insane projects (at least for a few days). 

I received an email from Amazon telling me that I can access, for free, MP3s of all the CDs I have purchased from the site. Among the 5 CDs I have purchased (all of which were Christmas presents for my Mom or Uncle Bob, the only 2 people who still buy CDs) was Styx Greatest Hits. I hit the damn jackpot!!! I don't care what you say, Styx rocks! 

And finally, even though I felt like death warmed over for the majority of the day, and even though Joe Bear put up a stellar fight at bedtime, all my troubles melted when I saw my sweet little dudes all cozy in their cribs sawing logs. They are just too precious! (And, when they sleep, I get to sleep. La la loo!)
Some day, we will also rock out to Styx!

1 comment:

  1. Ugh. I also had a horrific Monday. Glad yours had some silver linings! I should have eaten chocolate covered pretzels. I think that would have helped some.
