Monday, November 12, 2012

The Day Eddie Vedder Broke My Heart

This morning, extreme happiness was built up inside me, only to be knocked down again shortly thereafter. So, I was cruising down Greenup, rocking out to 93.3, which is currently playing all Christmas tunes, when behold, "Is that? Is that? Eddie Vedder singing 'O Come All Ye Faithful'?" Spectacular! It was a rocking tune, where the artist didn't screw up the original beat of the song, nor did they ad-lib a bunch of "ooohhs" to it. It was just a straight up church hymn meets rock and roll. And it was Eddie Vedder. I knew it was Eddie Vedder. Yes, I found it a little odd that Pearl Jam would be singing about the birth of the Lord. And I found it a little odd that I could understand every word. But dammit, it was awesome.

Then. Then, I arrived to work and I immediately googled "Pearl Jam and O Come All Ye Faithful." Nothing came up. I switched my search terms to "Pearl Jam and Christmas." Now I was directed to their Wikipedia page where "Holiday Singles" were listed. Heartbreakingly tragic: holiday singles were just singles released around the holidays. They weren't Christmas tunes at all. In fact, there was an anti-Christmas tune, 'Don't Believe in Christmas.' Oh, my heart! A dagger! Eddie Vedder, I love thee, and yet, you hurt me like this.

I wonder who that was singing 'O Come All Ye Faithful' this morning. And NO, Douglas. It was NOT Twisted Sister.


  1. I'm sorry that you've found this out at this point in your life, but Eddie Vedder is a tool. Merry Christmas--
    Michael Craft

  2. Its actually a band called "Third Day" version of "O Come All Ye Faithful" It does sound very similar to Eddie Vedders voice.
