Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Inside the Actor's Studio

Today in sports: So, my Wildcats lost last Duke. Ugh, anybody but Duke...or Louisville. Oh well! I've got to remind myself that these  boys are just freshmen and that NO ONE on the team has ever started a game until this season. My Cats may have lost last night, but let me tell you, I am pumped to see what is in store this season. Alex Poythress is what we call a BEAST. I am ready for him to dominate! Nine more games and a little over a month to get ready for Louisville. Come on, boys! Can't take a loss to Puke and Louisville in the same season.

On to the news...

I am FINISHED with my Christmas shopping. Oh yeah! I have the rest of the holiday season only to worry about decking the halls, trimming the tree (Doogie--you should trim the tree with some decorations bought at Tiffany), and wrapping presents. Julian, Jonas, and I spent a few hours yesterday getting the last of our Christmas gifts purchased. Love that! Christmas is so spectacular. I can't wait to watch everyone open their gifts. I hope they love everything!

Speaking of Christmas, I've about had it with 93.3. They play the crappiest Christmas music ever. How can you make "Gloria in Excelsis Deo" into a techno song? And why, as a radio DJ, would you promote such garbage? And what is their obsession with "The Little Drummer Boy?" They play every version known to man. It doesn't matter at what time I'm in the car or for how long, it will play. The only thing I like about that song, is when I hear it, I think about the SNL skit with Mary Katherine Gallagher SUPERSTAR! and Whitney Houston. Oh, MKG was one of my all-time favorite SNL characters. I wouldn't have necessarily given her a feature film of her own, but she was hysterical. Molly Shannon knows how to do comedy.

Work and stuff...

I have some hilarious co-workers. Sometimes, I get overwhelmed with my work and think to myself, "WTH am I doing?" But other times, I am so thankful to be at a place where I am surrounded by such awesome people (there are plenty of a-holes, too, but I try not to associate with them). We are a bunch that loves to laugh, and most of the time, that means laughing at each other. Today it was mentioned that we should have our own The Office-like reality show. OMG. People would watch it and laugh, but think that it was complete fiction. I wonder what the Nielsen ratings would be after the "Scraper Hand" episode (see CSI: Cubicle Land).

If we were actors in a series, and were invited to hang out with James Lipton on Inside the Actor's Studio, what would our answers be to his famous questionnaire? Here are the questions (and my answers). What would you answer?

  1.  What is your favorite word? Love.
  2. What is your least favorite work? Prissy. And my Mother used to call me Miss Prissy and it makes me cringe thinking about it. I can still hear her saying it. Awful.
  3. What turns you on? Sweet gestures. Including little blue boxes from Tiffany (do you see a theme, Doug?).
  4. What turns you off? Onion breath.
  5. What sound or noise do you love? Laughter. Especially baby giggles.
  6. What sound or noise do you hate? The alarm clock.
  7. What is your favorite curse (we say "cuss" in southeast Ky) word? Shit. It works for all kinds of situations. Though, in an attempt to not say such words, my use of "poop" has sky-rocketed.
  8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? Rock star, despite my inability to sing or play a musical instrument. I have the spirit of a rock star, though. Oh, and I always wanted to write for SNL. When I was in grade school and high school, I used to write skits and send them to Lorne Michaels and Adam Sandler. Guess they didn't find them funny.
  9. What profession would you not like to do? Other than my own? Ha! Umm, politician!
  10. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates? Welcome Home!

1 comment:

  1. Alli, I agree completely with how you feel about work!

    Ok, I'm going to do my own survey now:

    What is your favorite word? Nicorette

    What is your least favorite word? How about a phrase? "It's the rules."

    What turns you on? good calves, a sense of humor, and open-mindedness

    What turns you off? arrogance, people who talk AT you instead of TO or WITH you, narrow-mindedness, morons, and psychos (especially psychos who yell at you about the way you cut tomatoes)

    What sound or noise do you love? My nephew laughing

    What sound or noise do you hate? The freaking vacuum cleaner or the sound of myself screaming because someone has snuck up behind me

    What is your favorite curse word? "Damn it!"
    I say it at least 45 times a day under my breath at work. Luckily my cube neighbors don't seem to notice or care.
    When I'm driving, some more explicit words are sometimes warranted.

    What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? I'd make a fabulous psychologist--finally get paid for listening to everyone's issues. Or an air hockey professional. Or a magazine writer.

    What profession would you not like to do? This blog is public, right? Okay, then, I'd make a terrible chef (people don't pay good money for Lean Pockets) and a horrendous cab driver

    If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?
    "See, Kristen! You made it!"
