Sunday, November 11, 2012

Not All Was Lost

I came away from the trip to Target with more than a bruised nose, I got lots of Christmas joy in the form of PRESENTS. I can't believe there are only 43 days til Christmas and I still haven't gotten my shopping done (and I have no clue what to buy some people). Yesterday, I at least got a few more gifts and can cross a few nice kids off of Santa's list. I didn't end up buying that Yahtzee game that punched my face, but I was able to score some delightful goodies that I think will make some little girls and boys quite happy. Also, whilst browsing the toy section, Douglas found about 549 dinosaurs, dragons, and ogres that he wanted to buy Jules and Joe Bear. "These would go perfectly with their castles!" I'm thinking Doug is going to have a great time with Christmases down the road.

Loot for the Children's Home
In case you haven't heard, I am taking up donations for the Children's Home by my house. If you want to donate, they want Wal-Mart and Target giftcards of $10-15, and small $1-10 gifts appropriate for ages 1 to 14. Email me, and I will let you know all the details including how to get me your stuff. Check out all of the loot I purchased yesterday for the drive! I hope my small contribution makes some little feller happy. I know that when I was a little gal, my family was often the beneficiary of charitable donations. Why, one of the best Christmas gifts I ever received came to me compliments of the Fisty Fire Department (a Joey McIntyre doll)!

I googled "Joey McIntyre Barbie" to get an image to add to my post, and this came up. A picture of a naked Joey doll with an MC Hammer doll. 
Is that a promise ring on Joey's finger?
Do you remember the Jordan Knight doll? It even had his sick rat-tail. I never had a Jordan doll, but if I would've, I would've cut his rat-tail off. Why was that ever cool? It even sounds horrible. Rat-tail. The things people do to themselves. There was this kid in grade school who always had a rat-tail. And it was curly. The rest of his head, he buzzed off, then he had this curly rat-tail. Looked more like a squirrel-tail. He was such a goofy looking kid. I can't remember his name; he was a year ahead of me. His face would turn beet red when he laughed and veins would bulge from the side of his neck. Strange character. Of course, he could've been a good kid. I didn't take the time to get to know him. Couldn't get past that squirrel-tail, I suppose.
Jordan Knight and his skanky rat-tail.

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