Saturday, March 5, 2011

I miss my Bro

I miss my little brother. Why did he have to grow up? Now he has a girlfriend and has forgotten about his big sister. I wish he would come to NKy and live with me. He could get a job and soon get his own place. I think it would be a fabulous idea for him to get out of Perry Co., more specifically, Hardburly. Now you tell me, would you want to live in a holler named Hardburly? Does it not just sound dreadfully depressing? Please, baby brother, come live with me. Remember how much fun we used to have when you'd come visit? Once when it was raining on our trip, Dilly put on goggles and stuck his head out the window. It was hilarious. Oh, and then, remember when you shut my hand up in the sunroof? Not so hilarious. Or when you and Codar put hot sauce in my Hawaiian punch, also not so hilarious. What about the night you heard the ghost cats? Or what about when I tripped and knocked over your PS2 and broke it and had to buy a new one...again, that one was not so funny. Basically, what I'm saying here is that I miss my baby brother, and I sure wish he missed me.

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