Friday, October 1, 2010

Pencils for a Quarter

Remember what was cool---the paper and pencil machine at Robinson Elementary: $0.50 for a pack of paper and $0.25 for a pencil. I would always try to save my quarters so I could buy a pencil (the paper pads were LAME). They were always so cool! Glittery, purple pencils with hearts or polkadots on them. If you didn’t like the one you got, you could always trade with someone. I never traded. I always loved the pencil I got. It was such a treat! And what I really, really loved were the Book Fairs and the Troll Book Orders. Do you remember those? I never got to buy anything from the Troll Book Orders. I was always so envious of the “rich” kids who got to order books from Troll--Madlibs! At the bookfair, I usually only had enough money to buy a bookmark or an eraser. I had the cutest bookmark that I purchased from there, though. I wish I still had it. It had a little worm on it: a bookworm. Once, Mommaw gave me $5 for the book fair. I bought a book: Timothy of the Cay. My Lord, what a great book! It was the first book I ever read that made me cry. My second favorite book was "Otherwise Known as Shelia the Great." I bought that for Doogie's niece when she was around the age I was when I was obsessed with it. Yeah, she just opened her Christmas present, "A book?" and tossed it aside. Children these days.

Days like these are the most difficult: you have a ton of work to do, but you don't want to do any of it. I've been having a lot of days like that lately. I need to get focused and motivated. Maybe I can use the weekend to regroup, for today is FRIDAY, just 8 hours and 10 minutes until freedom. Tick tock tick tock. What does the weekend have in store for me? Perhaps Doogie will take me on a date? Maybe some homework? Definitely a movie or 2 or maybe some Lost. Oh, the possibilities.

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