Wednesday, October 27, 2010

That's $1.15, please. $0.20 for the extra milk.

Yes! Tonight was our school cafeteria dinner night: chicken nuggets, corn, and mashed potatoes. It lived up to the hype. Now, if Doogie could only make yeast rolls like the lunch ladies at Robinson Elementary. I still remember my lunch number: 253. School lunches were the best. The only day I dreaded was soup bean day. Now, I like soup beans (soup beans, soup beans, good for your heart! the more you eat them, the more you fart! the more you fart, the better you feel! soup beans, soup beans every meal!), but not from the school cafeteria. Eeeww and their macaroni (for you city folk, macaroni in tomato sauce is served with your soup beans in southeastern Ky)...when the lunch ladies would stir and scoop out the noodles, good Lord it stunk, and it made a sound that I relate to maggots, though I've never had any firsthand experiences with maggots to know what they sound like. Did you say a prayer before entering the cafeteria and eating lunch? Mrs. Barnett would line us up in the hallway, and we'd all pray, "God is great. God is good. Let us thank him for our food. Amen." Was the cafeteria the hot spot for fights at your school? Man, I can remember some good fights, and ole Burly the Janitor (yes, I feel as though janitor should be capitalized in this instance) intervening and lining some rowdy boys out!

Dinner out will be more fun in the future for I am embarking on another cyber mission: Direct your attention to the right. See those juicy cheeseburgers? That Big Red Smokey? That disgusting, yet delicious-looking BLT? Spot good food. Capture image of deliciousness on film. Upload picture to the internets. Of course that is something I would enjoy. Don't worry, I won't upload any pictures of Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers. However, you do remember this classic of Cody and his triple baconator (this looks to be taken about the time Codar claimed to be, "pregnant with a beef baby").

1 comment:

  1. Every time I had nuggets for lunch I had a process:

    1.) Seperate roll
    2.) Add butter and salt to mashed potatoes
    3.) Spoon mashed potatoes onto roll
    4.) Place 2 nuggets on roll
    5.) Eat nugget sandwhich
