Sunday, October 10, 2010

Beetle wants a cell phone! What?

That's right, you heard me correctly, Beetle wants a cell phone. How hilarious! Can you picture her texting and taking pics with a telephone? What's next for Beetle? Twitter or Facebook? I can see her now, updating her FB status, "Beetle Cornett is watching the Reds." or "Beetle Cornett is making Christmas ornaments." or "Beetle Cornett and Bob are going to McDonald's for some chicken nuggets." Just when I think Beetle couldn't possibly get any cooler, she does.

Does homework ever get enjoyable? You'd think that since I voluntarily went to grad school and am studying a topic that I like, homework wouldn't be so painful, but it is. I'd rather nap while Doogie watches football (our Sunday tradition), but alas, I shall write. That being said, my report that is due Tuesday is on a topic of my choosing, and hence, is very cool: oral history and folklore. Exactly what it is I am to be reporting, I haven't a clue. I'll do what I think, and hopefully, that'll work!

Work....waaaaaay worse than school. We shall spend no more time discussing the topic. Instead, we'll talk about awesome things: food! I have planned a superb dinner menu for this week: chicken noodle soup, Italian hoagies, taco soup, chicken and dressing casserole. Mmm good. Quick and easy, which was very unlike the trip to Kroger to acquire the groceries for this week. I was nearly run over twice by a rather large woman in a motorized cart. The first incident, she hit my buggy on her way to the deli bar to holler that she needed more thick-sliced roast beef. The second incident, she came creeping up behind me in the produce section, "Uh, ma'am. Excuse me, ma'am? Are those any good?" she asks me of the pineapple I was putting in my cart. I reply, "What? Pineapple? Yes, pineapples are good." She goes on, "I was wondering. I've never had real pineapple. I've only eaten it from a can." What's worse: Kroger in Latonia or Walmart in Hazard?

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