Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween is here!

Today is Halloween. One of my favorite days of the year, yet it is tainted. I am stressed due to the amount of homework I have to do today and in the near future. See, I am what you call a procrastinator when it comes to school work, and that is never good. Anyhow, maybe my anxiety was fueled by TB talking about waking up in the middle of the night stressing about everything she needed to do the following day, writing it down, making calls at 5 am. Either way, the fact is, I am behind in schoolwork and need to work on that today instead of watching countless hours of scary movies. In addition, I have to work on a Clinical Study Report on this wonderful day. That probably is the scariest thing to do on Halloween, so maybe it's fitting. I wanna give a big shout-out to my mentor--thanks, dude, for making working on Sunday possible.

Possibly, watching It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown, will put me in a better mood. I didn't get to watch it yesterday. Yes, I shall put that on, and be thankful that Doogie locked the kittens out of the bedroom this morning, which allowed me to sleep until 10:30. I haven't slept that late in quite some time. Maybe after The Great Pumpkin, I'll just keep the movie rolling and watch A Charlie Brown Christmas. Oh, Christmas, how I've missed you. The most wonderful time of the year!!! By the way, great deal at Target: Buy 2 Christmas movies get 1 free. You know I'm all on that! How the Grinch Stole Christmas (the Jim Carey version, of course I already have the original), Rudolph & Frosty, and Love Actually! Hooray! I was sad to see that they didn't have It's A Wonderful Life. As I mentioned in a previous blog, I have never seen the film, and this year will be the year I do so.

Sooo cold! I am thankful that Doogie fixed the radiators yesterday. It's nice to have a moderately warm home. As you know, our house is never really warm. Gotta love houses built in 1897. They are beautiful but frigid. We could also put in central heat and storm windows, that would help. Perhaps you could loan us thousands of dollars and we'll fix 'er up.

Up and at 'em. Time for me to move off the couch and go heat up some tacos (which I'll be eating for the next week). My tummy just growled and Flash Gordon freaked. Silly cat.

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