Sunday, October 31, 2010

Let me see that Tootsie Roll

I have eaten far too many tootsie rolls in the past 48 hours. It must stop. Why are they so delicious? Tootsie rolls, tootsie pops, flavored tootsie rolls! Yes, please!

Please tell me that Wallace Woods isn't the only neighborhood that gets adult trick-or-treaters and/or trick-or-treaters who ask for candy for their babies. Those losers do not get delicious tootsie rolls. Instead, they get 1 peppermint. They shouldn't even get that! Halloween is for children (with teeth)! Adorable little kiddos in cute costumes. We had plenty of those! I gave out some tricks (severed fingers), and boy, were they a hit! I was cracking up watching the little tots' eyes as I dropped a finger into their treat bag. As they ran back to their mothers, they were frantically digging in the bag to find the treat. "Mom! Oh, mom! Look! A rotten finger! It has a spider ring on it! Mom!" Hysterical. Gotta love Halloween!

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