Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Things I Can't Believe

I can't believe there are only 13 days til Christmas. It seems like I start my Christmas countdown in July, and yet, somehow, Christmas always seems to sneak up on me. How is that possible? What's more, I've had my shopping done for weeks, but I keep buying stuff! It's a sickness, much like Doug's addiction to Imaginext dragon toys. This is why we are broke, people.

Because he is a wonderful husband (I can't believe it...just kidding...mostly), Douglas bought me a 9 ft, pre-lit Christmas tree for my birthday! But, because I am sitting here blogging instead of cleaning my dining room (where I started a new project...a mere 4 days before I have a ton of people coming over...way to plan ahead), my tree is ornament-less. At least it is up! Maybe tomorrow I will clean and decorate. Ugh. I have a feeling 2 little dudes will have other plans for me. They are the bosses now. It used to be me. I can't believe I have two 2 ft tall bosses. And boy are they demanding!
I can't believe the boys were this tiny. And I can't believe
I let Doug take a picture of me in this condition.

I can't believe there are only 17 days til my 29th birthday. Man alive! I am older than dirt. Where does the time go? Seems like just yesterday I was turning 21. What a night that was! And what a morning after...I can't believe my liver survived that mess.

Most of all, children, I still can't believe I have 2 babies. I know it sounds silly for me to keep saying that, but it is just so unreal. I am a Mom. I gave birth to 2 humans. I don't know. Something about all of that just flips my lid.

1 comment:

  1. OLDER THAN DIRT??????


