Sunday, December 16, 2012


December is always fun. In fact, it is my favorite month of all. You just can't beat Christmas, followed by my birthday, and then New Year's Eve! Because I was thinking about them today, I thought I'd share some fun memories of the past few holiday seasons.

December 2009, the year of the Bacon King, or that time we spent Christmas in the dark.

   This year we spent Christmas in Dwarf, which is always a great time, but something was a little off--the electricity! Yep, that's right. Christmas 2009 was spent in the dark. A big snow storm hit D-town and left its residents without power for 2 weeks. The lack of electricity didn't hold us back! Beetle has a generator, and was therefore able to keep her fridge running, which meant we still had food. Boomer and Aunt Kathy brought some grub from P-ville and London; they had electricity there. Uncle Glenn cooked some taters outside on the grill. Beetle cooked beans on the kerosene heater. If you would've seen our spread, you wouldn't have known we didn't have a working stove!

   On Christmas Eve, Doug, Codar, and me drove back to CVG from Dwarf. Bad idea. While we drove, the snow furiously fell. And guess who was driving! That's right, me! I was, of course, having a panic attack, so we had to pull off in Lex and let Doug take over. Good grief!

   New Year's Eve came and Doug and I joined Chris and Sarah at The Madison for our second New Year's Eve Bash. This is where Doug met (and photographed) the Bacon King. At midnight at the party, a buffet is served. The first year we went, coneys were served, but on this night, it was breakfast. Some dude (not a server, just a random fellow party-goer) went up to the buffet and loaded his plate down with crispy slices of bacon. Doug, in his party state (read: drunk), saw this and proclaimed this dude as The Bacon King. He then proceeded to go talk to the guy and take his picture, oh, and tell Sarah, Chris, and me all about his run in with royalty. That guy!

December 2010, our first Christmas

   This was our first Christmas as Mr. and Mrs. How sweet!.....You know, other than that little tid-bit, I don't remember much about Christmas 2010. Isn't that sad? It was just 2 years ago. What did we do? I guess the usual. Nothing is standing out in my mind...of course, that doesn't mean much. I'm old and forgetful.

   I do remember the NYE Bash! Jenna and Allen joined us this year. It was a good time. The week of Christmas and New Year's, I took off from work, like I always do, and since I didn't have any babies then, I could do whatever I wanted, which meant I watched Ken Burns's The War and the entire HBO series Band of Brothers. Well, on NYE night/New Year's morning, I cried myself to sleep (booze + too much war footage = depressed Alli) thinking of those brave men who fought in WW2. That was a fun night for Doug!

December 2011, the year I was pregnant but no one knew
Last year was a fantastic December! I graduated with my MA in history! Yay! No more school! Oh, yeah, and I found out I was pregnant on December 1st. We decided to not tell anyone until the first trimester was over, so December was a month of secrets. It was very hard to keep my big mouth shut about something so HUGE! And I still thought I only had ONE baby on the way. Oh, how things were about to get interesting.

   Due to my condition (pregnancy), we did not go to our annual NYE Bash this year. Instead, we traveled to Philadelphia to spend time with Doug's brother and family. It was a very nice time. A nice road trip with Doogie (complete with lots of pit-stops for donuts, chocolate milk, and french fries). Got to see the kiddos on Christmas morning after Santa came. Went to NYC. And watched the Wildcats beat Louisville (and hear Reese echo me in screaming at the officials to slap Rick Pitino with a technical--"T him up! T him up!" There is something so sweet about hearing a 3 year old scream at the refs.)!

December 2012, my first Christmas as a mother

  So far, the past 5 months have flown by. It is still hard for me to believe that I had twins. I mean, doesn't it just trip your mind to think that humans grow inside of humans? And me of all people, hand selected by God himself to have 2 babies at once. What was he thinking?! I reckon I'll take it as a compliment. Surely he must not think I am a complete waste if he blessed me with 2 babies at once. Right?

  To be continued...don't worry, I will fill you in on all of the fun festivities that await in the upcoming days (including our visit with Santa today).

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