Saturday, December 8, 2012

That Time I Killed a Chick

Oh yeah, so I had this dream last night that I killed someone. Isn't that jacked up? Anyway, Doug said I should tell Codar about it, so, I'll just tell the world. (Don't worry, Codar, it's not as bad as the dream I had about killing the dude with the baseball bat...remember that classic?)

The dream...

We were at my house and this skanky chick was here. I don't know who she was, just that she was a skank. She was sitting on my couch and smoking a cigarette. First of all, I hate cigarette smoke. Secondly, I hate skanks. Thirdly, the skank was smoking her cigarette in MY HOUSE. So, what did I do? I told that hag, "You are not allowed to smoke in my house!" She replied by giving me a challenging look and continued to smoke. I repeated myself,  "You are not allowed to smoke in my house. Get the hell out." She stood up, looked at me, and flicked her lit cigarette onto my couch. I pummeled her! Then I held her down on her lit cigarette, which burned completely through her body until you could see her organs falling out. Then I woke up.

I describe this dream to Dacian.
Dacian: Damn. That's harsh, Alli. Though, I agree, she was a complete bitch.

Another dream.

All of the zombie pictures terrify me. Therefore, you get Rick.
This is my brain after watching The Walking Dead.
We were at my house again and a party was happening. For some reason, everyone at this party was a zombie. Doug was being a complete a-hole and was no help in ridding the house of zombies. I went into our bedroom to check on the babies who were sleeping on the bed. That's when shit got real. Some jackass zombie knocked one of the babies off the bed. I went berserk. I tore the zombie's arm off and beat him to death (well, death #2) with his own arm. Stupid zombies.

Well. That's it. I've done it now. I just google-image searched "zombie" and the freaking bath-salt cannibal popped up alongside the picture of his victim. Get ready for tomorrow's post regarding my hellish nightmare of being eaten alive. Good grief.

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