Thursday, December 27, 2012

Post-Christmas Happenings

Wendy's Snowman
So, even though Christmas is over, I am still enjoying my holiday season and my welcomed vacation from work. Yesterday, Doogie, the boys, and me set out to go do a little post-Christmas shopping. As soon as we hopped in the car, the snow started coming down like no other. We decided we'd be brave and head on out. Well, that lasted about a block. Joe Bear was griping, which was making it difficult for Doog to concentrate on driving in the snow, so we decided to go back home. Once we turned into our driveway, however, we looked back to check on the boys and they were both sawing logs. We didn't want to wake them, so we decided we'd just drive around the neighborhood a few times. Boy, the Woods is full of such beautiful homes. Most of them were decorated for Christmas and snow-covered. It was lovely to see them all. Driving around your neighborhood for 45 minutes may sound completely lame, but I thoroughly enjoyed myself. We popped outside of the Woods to grab a burger at Wendy's. There, the crew had built a little snowman to greet the drive-thru customers. We searched high and low for something to fashion a nose, eyes, and/or mouth for Frosty (what a perfect name for a Wendy's snowman), but alas, we came up empty-handed. As we were waiting on our food, the cashier was attempting to make him a smile out of a red onion, but the onion wouldn't stick in the snow.

Did you know that this Christmas was the Christmas of shiny things? My favorite of my new shiny items were my locket and my ruby earrings (sweet and sentimental--the boys' birthstone is a ruby). I love them most because not only are they beautiful on their own, but they also remind me of my little boys! Santa has such exquisite taste, and knows me so well; he really must have his eyes open all year long. I do say, it was very difficult trying to find pictures for my locket. No one (i.e., Shutterfly) prints photos small enough for a locket. So, I improvised: I cut the happy baby Santas out of an extra Christmas card! Perfection!

The following comment was not made post-Christmas, but I kept forgetting to write about it. My dear friend said this of my house (and I am paraphrasing because I can't remember the quote verbatim). Ahem:
Your house is perfect for Christmas. It's always warm and there's always a lot of food.
That made me happy.

In other news, I bought 2 Christmas presents today. Only 363 days til CHRISTMAS!

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