Saturday, December 8, 2012


Not the movie, the man.

Remember when Dacian thought that Peyton Manning was the quarterback for the Bengals? Well, he's gone and one-upped himself with his unawareness of sports/pop-culture. Today we were talking about watching television shows on the internet via hulu or the broadcasting station's website. I told him I felt his pain regarding the excessive play of that damn Homeland marathon commercial. Then this happened.

Dacian: They've been playing a new one lately. It's a commercial for a phone where they follow this dude around doing different things. Then at the end, he is at a barber shop, and someone shows him a video of another dude slam-dunking a basketball.
Me: Stares at Dacian like he has 3 heads. Really, Dacian?
Dacian: What?
Me: You don't know who that is?
Dacian: Just some random dude.
Me: LeBron James. Not a random dude. My 80 year-old-grandmother knows who LeBron James is!*
Dacian: In my defense, when you said LeBron James, I knew that that was a basketball player.
Me: Good grief.
* Beetle loves LeBron James!

In other news...

It is impossible to NOT think of this face!
I went shopping tonight by myself. It was fun! All I bought was a snowman wallflower from Bath and Body Works, but I still enjoyed being out and about, listening to Christmas music, and looking at all the pretty things the stores had to offer. My new favorite store is Altar'd State! Such cool clothing. Too bad I didn't find anything there tonight. Well, anything I was willing to purchase this close to Christmas. Maybe in a couple of months I can go on a nice shopping spree for myself (maybe we'll get a bonus this year!). Anyway, I did realize one thing while out tonight: I can no longer peruse the stores at my leisure without the constant feeling of needing to rush in order to get home to my babies. (Doug would probably say that this is not the him, it probably felt like I was gone for 5 hours instead of 1.5 hours.) I felt this same way when I was out for a friend's wedding. I just get this uneasy feeling and cannot truly relax and completely enjoy myself. I am continually thinking of getting back home to the little dudes. I wonder if I'll always feel a little off when I am away from them? Probably. That's just something that comes along with being a mother, I reckon.

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