Wednesday, December 29, 2010

They say it's your birthday! Well, happy birthday to ya!

Best birthday ever! Despite having to work, my birthday was fantastic! Thank you to all of my beautiful friends who made it special, and to my handsome husband for doing the laundry, taking Betty Blue to her appointments, the tripod for my camera, the margarita at Longnecks, and dinner at Mellow Mushroom. What a lucky gal I am! It's good to have such awesome people in my life!


  1. Happy belated Birthday and Happy New Year too! Is Mellow Mushroom yummy? Keep meaning to try it!

  2. Thanks for the bday wishes. Happy New Years to you guys, too! Hope you had a lovely holiday.

    Mellow Mushroom is delicious. It's sorta like the love child of Pazzo's and Dewey's.

  3. Happy belated birthday! I didn't realize our birthdays are so close--mine is on December 30th. :)
