Monday, September 2, 2013

Walkers, Vegetarians, and New Goals

Jonas thought something was hilarious.
Guess what! Both of my dudes are walkers! Julian has been walking since his birthday, but it took Jonas a little bit to warm up to it. You know, you get around a lot faster on all fours than you do wobbling around on two feet! The Bear held out about a month (he started walking a couple days after his Daddy's birthday), and now he's burning up the hardwood. Why am I telling you this? For 2 reasons: 1) Because you love my babies and are incredibly interested in hearing about them. 2) I am the world's most non-crafty woman and cannot scrapbook to save my soul. Thus, the only record of the boys' first steps is on this very blog (and probably facebook somewhere). They are without baby books. It's untelling (despite what Blogger tells me, "untelling" is a word, ask any hillbilly you know) how many milestones I've already forgotten. Someday my grown sons will come to me and say, "Mother, when did we first sit up on our own?" And I'll have to reply, "Uh..." And they will hate me.

It is now my goal in life to sort through all of my pictures, facebook posts, and blog posts to piece together baby timelines. (Good luck with that!)
Birthday cake!

In other news, I have become a (semi) vegetarian. At least for the past few weeks. Why? Well, the fact of the matter is I don't particularly enjoy meat (generally). And the meat that I do like is bad for me (Italian sausage, bacon, and hamburger), so I'm quitting it. I'm not hardcore, though. I mean, come on, you have to use bacon grease for frying. And how can you eat green beans unless they've been cooked with fatback pork? Am I right?

Speaking of food...remember when I cooked my way through the bar? Of course you don't! I only blogged about it a couple of times. At any rate, I did it. I made a new recipe a week. Now I'm on a new mission (other than the aforementioned baby timeline quest): to find the perfect cookie recipe. So, send me your best, most favorite cookie recipe! I have to figure this out before the holidays. I have a whole slew of Christmas tins that I have to fill full of goodies. I've got sugar cookies and lemon cookies covered. But bring on the rest!

These dudes aren't spoiled enough. They need me to make good cookies for them.
Oh, speaking of spoiling my children, last weekend Beetle showed me again her secrets of cornbread making. Once I procure the perfect cornbread pan (see below), the boys shall have an endless supply of cornbread and milk.
It will be mine. Oh yes, it will be mine.

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