Sunday, September 29, 2013

Make These For Your Husband: Another Picture of Food

I made these today and they were, to borrow a term from my friend, scrumpdelicious! Douglas loved them, and your husband (or you) will love them, too. Make them for him. He deserves it, right?

Jalapenos stuffed with a cream cheese and cheddar cheese mixture and wrapped in bacon. 

Step 1: Get your husband to chop the peppers in half because you don't want to set your skin on fire (he'll forgive you later when he eats these). Poor Douglas made the mistake of scratching his nose with jalapeno juice on his fingers. It burns! It burns! Sweet Mother of God, it burns!

Step 2: Stuff those babies with the cheese mixture (1 block of cream cheese + shredded cheddar cheese [I think I used most of a block]).

Step 3: Give you sons juice boxes. This will occupy them for a few minutes. Sure, you will have a mess to clean when they realize they can pull out the little straw and use the box of juice like a squirt gun, but you need a few more minutes for prepping the peppers.

Yes, he has a juicebox and a sippy cup.
 Step 4: Wrap the peppers in bacon because bacon makes everything better.

Step 5: Pop them in the oven at 400 and let them bake for 30 minutes; then broil for 5 more minutes. Voila! The tasty appetizers are done! A perfect treat to take to a party! 

And here are the boys partying it up at Sarah's. We forgot the bibs, so they were on team skins for supper. After dinner, well, before and after dinner, Jules pretended he was a dog. He so enjoyed Liam's crate!

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