Saturday, September 28, 2013

Little Red Convertible, Hugs > Bacon, & Friends

Doug's ride.
Yesterday I drove the Outback to work. However, Doug needed her to haul stuff. He called me up at work to ask which vehicle I would like to swap out with---the minivan or the convertible. Because I am me (a major nerd), I wanted in my heart to say the minivan, but in an attempt to be cool, I chose the convertible.

When work was over, I headed out to the parking lot to hop in the little roadster. I was feeling pretty hip, so thought I'd go wild and put the top down. I am part vampire, but from work to home is only a 14 mile trip, I could do this!

Cruising out of the parking lot, up the road to the entrance ramp to the interstate, I was loving it. So much so that I thought I'd be walking in the door and telling Doug that his car now belonged to me. Then I hit stop and go traffic. This little roadster (p.s. am I using that term correctly, roadster?) is a 6-speed. Ugh. My foot was about to fall off from using the clutch so much. I knew there was a reason why I
My beautiful whip.
switched to an automatic. And boy! That sun sure was getting toasty. I could feel my flesh burning.

Thirty minutes later I could finally see Kentucky. "Woohoo!" I shouted as I thought I'd soon be home. Nope. Some moron had managed to wreck on the daggone bridge. How do you do that? It is a straight shot! A nice, short, little bridge. Irritated, I followed the line of cars heading across the river and hoped this wouldn't take too long. There was a cop directing traffic and things were moving...moving a little too fast, I guess, cause when I zipped by the cop, he scolded me, "Slow down, this isn't a race track!" I was in second gear!!! Come on, man!


Huggy Bear.
This morning Jonas decided that he was going to sleep all day. Actually, both boys slept in, too bad I still woke up at 8 o'clock. I took the opportunity of 30 whole minutes to myself to get a shower! Look at me, living it up! Jules woke up around 8:45, happy as a little lark. We went downstairs and waited for the Bear. I put some cartoons on for Julian (yeah, I know, TV is the devil...whatever) and headed to the kitchen to cook him some breakfast.

I was putting some bacon on a cookie sheet (I do not like super crispy bacon, so I make my bacon in the oven), when Jonas came to say hello. He had finally woken up, and Doug had brought him downstairs to me. "Good morning, buddy!" I greeted him with a big Mama smile. He returned a smile and reached out for me. "I will get you in just a second, let me put this bacon on." And the next thing I knew, those little arms were wrapped around my neck! Oh, he had just given me the sweetest, most wonderful hug ever. Doug summed it up best when he said, "Some things are better than bacon." I, of course, immediately abandoned my bacon and snuggled my Bear.

The wild men had a busy day. We hit 3 of our favorite spots: Half-Priced Books, Sam's, and Skyline. I will have to make a video of them at Half-Priced Books the next time we go. They are such a riot! Julian had a big grin on his face the moment we stepped inside. "Books!" He proclaimed with glee! We bought the last 2 copies of Baa Baa Black Sheep by Melissa Everett. That's their favorite book and their first copy is on it's last legs.
Julian is happy!

Laid back. With my mind on my sammich and my sammich on my mind.
Cathy and Seth, Jenna and Jameson, and Omie G. came over for supper and hang time. The boys loved playing with their friends. Seven years ago when I first met Cathy and Jenna, I never thought that some day we'd be hanging in my living room watching 4 little dudes run around. Awesome!

The best shot I could get. Seth, Jonas, Jameson, and Julian.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha Allison- I am cracking up at you riding in your roadster! Can we just talk abut how impressive it is that you can even drive a manual?

    And what a perfect Saturday! :) :) :)
