Thursday, September 5, 2013

A Fun Day with the Dudes

Today was Doogie's last day at Hobson's. He'll be starting his new job in October, and until then, will be an unemployed sponge that I will support. After discussing what he'll do with his time off, he came to the following conclusion, "I guess I'll have to take my shirt off and walk around Covington." Keep your eyes open for scrap metal, Doog.

The boys must get their charm from their father. When we were out and about this afternoon, they made a host of new buddies. First, we went to Sam's. The folks always go wild for twins at Sam's, but today was exceptional. Of course, we saw the regulars (the old ladies/dudes at the entrance/exit) and the crew handing out samples and admiring the way the boys eat cheese. But the newbies were awesome. There was this HUGE dude. He had on camouflage shorts with Red Wing boots and a beard that rivaled Phil Robertson's. He came up to the boys and me and said, "Your boys are beautiful! I bet you're [nodding to Jonas] the bully!" "How did you know?" I asked. He then told me about one of his ex-girlfriends who had identical twin girls and how he could just tell that The Bear was the aggressor. He was a cool dude.

After he left, a cashier came over to greet the boys. I had bought them a couple of books, naturally,
so they were reading them when she approached. "Hi, how are you guys? You're so cute!" said the cute little blonde. The boys turned on the ham switch and started "talking" to the girl. Then Jonas handed her his book. Translation: Read to me. The girls said, "Oh, thank you for the book." But didn't read. So, The Bear and Julesy both start yapping. Translation: READ TO ME NOW!!! The girl finally took the hint, and, well, she read to them! I couldn't believe it, but she stood there and read the entire book to them. It was very cute.

Since we were right next door, you know it was Skyline time right after Sam's. There the boys were greeted with more smiles and compliments. This is how Jonas sat most of the time. You can't tell in the picture, but there were 2 parties that he and his bro were entertaining.

In case you are wondering what semi-vegetarians eat at Skyline...well, some days, you just don't feel like being semi-vegetarian.

Let me end with this. Fall is in the air, folks, and today my house smelled gloriously of fall. I baked up a batch of delicious candied pecans. Mmm. Soon as we're back from the beach, you better believe the fall/Halloween items are coming out!!!

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