Saturday, May 21, 2011

4 Things I Love

This list, of course, does not comprise all the things I love, simply, it pays homage to 4 things I hold near and dear to my heart.

1. Macho Man Randy Savage
I was so saddened by the terrible news received yesterday about the ten-time world champion, Macho Man Randy Savage passing. He was one of my favorite rasslers ever, along with the Nature Boy Ric Flair (woooooo!). The world lost a champion. Let's snap into a slim jim and have a moment of silence in remembrance of Macho Man. (RIP Macho Man, we love you!) Did you know he had a rap album released in 2003? Be a Man, complete with a diss song to Hollywood Hulk
Hogan. Epic. Listen to the song, here. Come on, don't be scurd.

2. My new doorbell
I love it, but I have yet to hear it ring. I have had 2 visitors since the installation of the doorbell, but I have somehow managed to not hear the darn thing both instances. I would like to send a
big congratulations to my neighbor and friend down the street, as he was the very first doorbell ringer!! And the second ringer was the Lowe's delivery man, again, I heard nothing. I am thinking I need to get my ears checked.

3. Washer & Dryer
Yes, the Lowe's delivery man came this morning at 9am, despite telling me they would arrive
between 11 and 1. I stayed up late last night playing some intense scrabble games and sipping a captain and coke; I was not prepared to welcome Lowe's at 9am. They called at 7:43 (which, of course, I did not hear). I feel for the poor lad who was stop #1. It was probably still dark out when the movers arrived! Anyhow, despite not having the room completely prepped when they arrived, I was still glad they came early. Doug Bear was still here and able to direct them, while I stood guard over the kitchen door, armed with a squirt bottle, making sure the cats of the House of Bratiatus didn't escape. We had no escapees, but several had their heads lit up with some H2O. But, ultimately, my washer and dryer were delivered and hooked up, and boy are they awesome! I absolutely love them.

4. Nutter Butters
The first Nutter Butter experience I remember was shared with a boy named Carl Everett. He was my daddy's friend's kid. His dad was over, and so Carl Everett tagged along on the visit. We were playing cars and mom brought us some Nutter Butters, and they were delicious. Playing in the background was Bob Dylan (coincidentally, another thing I love), All I
Really Want to Do. What a fine memory! That was when we lived in the blue and white trailer at the end of the bottom (about 3 people will understand that sentence). I bet ole Ringo (brother to Rambo) was even alive then (Ringo was dad's nasty dog/best friend that mom
The second Nutter Butter experience I remember occurred in 2nd grade. Yes, we had just finished reading Junk Day on Juniper Street, and Ms. Barnett had each student bring a piece of "junk" in and we had ourselves a little junk day. I don't remember what I brought in, but I remember what I "bought." When it was my turn to procure some junk, I opted out of the second-hand toys and got myself 2 Nutter Butter cookies. I reckon, if I remember correctly, my cousin, John Irvin, did the same thing. See, even as a child I was a junk food fiend...choosing cookies over toys.

1 comment:

  1. Our house is a knock-free house from now on, if you knock on the door I'm gonna leave you standing in the rain until you ring the doorbell- that means YOU Chris and Sarah
