Monday, January 3, 2011

The Cobwebs and the Sorrow

Tomorrow, tomorrow, it's only a few short, precious hours away! Nooooooooooo! Annie, you lying little ginger! The sun will not come out tomorrow! It'll be gray and gloomy and full of intolerable noise (Oh the noise! Noise! Noise!) and a dreadful messaging meeting. What does that even mean..."messaging meeting." I have a message! But alas...shall keep that little gem to myself. Instead of thinking about tomorrow, I will think about today. It was a great day.

9:00 am: I awake to hear birds chirping and sun shining. "Is it spring?" It is not spring, but no worries, for even if it was spring, I wouldn't venture out of the house on this day.
9:30 to 3:30: LOST Season 3! What the what? OMG! Freaking awesome!
4:00 to 5:00: A nice trip to Kroger to get fixin's for the world's best lasagna.
5:00 to 6:00: Prepare and cook my delicious lasagna. Anxiously await the arrival of my husband, so's I can eat. Oh, and attempted to bake a pineapple upside down cake. Didn't work out too well. Doug and co. said it was pretty good, but I thought it tasted like cornbread gone terribly wrong. Oh well, at least the lasagna was good.
6:30-on: Ate, drank, and was merry. Now it must end. Stupid tomorrow.

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