Friday, January 28, 2011

Baby in the Corner

So, in the past 2 weeks I have watched 2 classic chick-flicks that I had never before viewed: Pretty Woman and Dirty Dancing (my history professor said I got a capital R in social Retardation for never having seen Pretty Woman). Pretty Woman was infinitely better than Dirty Dancing. I thought I was going to die from boredom whilst viewing the latter. PLUS, didn't you think it was totally creepy that Baby and Johnny were doing it? Gross. He was like 40! I had to look up their age on imdb after watching. Jennifer Grey was 27, and Patrick was 34. Regardless, I still thought it was creepy. Almost as bad as Jacob the werewolf imprinting on the vampire-human baby. I had to stop Twilight then and there. That's right up Creepster Alley, folks!

Folks, everybody and their brother was in Dirty Dancing. Emily Gilmore, Detective Lennie Briscoe, freaking NEWMAN! And yet, it still sucked. $5 down the tube. Oh well, at least we can cross that one off the list of must-see movies. What's next for me to watch? I've never seen Pyscho or The Sound of Music (wow, could I have picked 2 more opposite films)?

1 comment:

  1. Oh Allison, I must disagree. Dirty Dancing is amazing! I learned what "knocked up" is from that movie (when I way waaaay too young to learn that). I came home from the baby sitters and asked my mom if it meant Penny got hit by a board or something. She was forced to explain. Ah innocence!

    I vote for Sound of Music. Another favorite of mine. I happened to walk down the aisle to their same wedding march song at my own wedding.

    I know I'm a dork.
