Monday, November 29, 2010

Return of the Jedi

Hello! Good to see you again, old pal. Life is busy. School, work, holidays. I need a vacation. Thanksgiving was great! I wish I could've stayed in Dwarf a little longer, but visiting with the Philadelphia Gastrights was worthwhile. Mommaw was up to her normal stunts and hilarious as always. She is my hero. I aspire to be as cool as she is someday.

Someday, when I'm awfully low, and the world is cold (that will be the next month at work, did I mention that I hate..well...I can't mention, but just know that I hate) [Resume song], I will feel a glow, just thinking of Doog, and the way he looks tonight. (Note to reader: I just looked over at my beautiful husband and he was making a kissy face at Bori Cat, who is laying beside him. Sweet.)

Sweet potato casserole, broccoli casserole, macaroni casserole, mashed taters and gravy, turkey, ham, corn, beans, rolls, 7-layer salad, stuffing...delicious Thanksgiving feast prepared by Mommaw and some other Cornetts. Instead of saying a prayer this year (since no one was around to say it; our give-gracer was stuck in Ashland), we went around the room and said what we were thankful for. Mommaw said she was thankful for her family. I find it hysterical, however, that minutes prior she was heard recounting a past dinner with her brother, The Animal, and due to that dinner, listed multiple reasons why she did not invite the poor chum to share in our feast. "Well, I would invite him, but I'd have to invite Nell. The man is 72 years old and he has a girlfriend. She is awful. Have you met her? You should've seen her when we were eating at the church after E's funeral. Nasty. She had food all over her face, and she kept right on talking. I couldn't look at her, she was making me sick! And she mumbles when she talks, you can't understand a word she says. Now, B told one of them boys that he wanted to come to our house for Thanksgiving. I told them they'd have to drive down there and get him cause I ain't about to have dinner with that Nell!"

Nailed it! Got an A on my homework tonight! [Do happy dance!] Mind you, only 2 A's were given. Holler! At least I know I'm still good at something. Work has been driving my spirits way down, it's good to get a pick-me-up!

Upstairs in the bed, but my journal is downstairs. I have a list of things I want to write about. Will have to divulge next time. Now, I think I may go watch an episode of something on tv and hit the hay before midnight! If you see me tomorrow, remind me to celebrate life: food, laughter, and companionship! Don't let work get me down!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're back. I just told Shawn I was concerned because you hadn't blogged in a while...
