Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Little Bear and the Trouble Maker

Sick Little Bear. 
Children, today has been a sad day. My little Joe Bear is sick. He's been running a slight fever all day. I had to give him baby medicine! He looks so sad and pathetic. I wish I could be the one feeling crappy and not him. Poor little dude. I tried all of my best tricks to make him cheer up (letting him fly, giving him a million kisses, peek-a-book, farting noises, and, of course, tickle fights), but nothing worked. He is finally sleeping. I hope he feels better when he wakes up in the morning. I can't take that sad face much longer. Poor little boo-boo.

Parenting tip:

Trouble Maker.
Feeding a baby in any seat but a high chair is a bad idea. While Jovita was tending to Little Bear, I decided I'd feed Julian some applesauce. I thought he'd be alright eating from his exersaucer (some big contraption that he stands/sits in). Wrong! First of all, it didn't dawn on me that the kid wouldn't be still when I was trying to feed him. What does a baby know about the possibility of a spoon being shoved down his throat if he jumps while taking a bite? Nothing. He doesn't even know what a spoon is! That lasted for about 10 seconds. So, out of the exersaucer and into his swing/seat he went. (Yes, I did have enough sense to turn the swing function off!) Now, ole chubbs is about an inch and a pound away from outgrowing his swing.* He's already pushing this seat to its limits, and then he decides he wants to kick. He likes to raise both legs up and slam them both down with great fury. So fun! Especially in the tub where he can drench his poor mother in water, but that's a whole other story. Anyhow, so after about 5 bites, he starts his kicking frenzy. He kicks that applesauce right out of my hands, and it goes all over my shirt. Finally, I learned my lesson. I took the ole trouble maker into the kitchen and strapped him in his high chair. Naturally, by that time, he decided he was done with applesauce. I couldn't have pried those lips open with a crowbar! 

Is my hair gray yet?

*I just googled the weight limits for that swing. "Up to 25 lbs." People, there is no way in hell that thing is going to survive 8 more lbs. You should hear the way it squeaks! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my GOSH- that picture of Jonas is SO SAD!!!! Poor bebe!

    And once your hair goes gray, just think of all of the fun coloring jobs you can get done at the salon ;)
