Monday, October 22, 2012

Long Hair

Julian playing long hair.
"Give me a girl with hair, long beautiful hair!" When my mother and Aunt Kathy were little girls, they liked to play a game called Long Hair. In this game, they would put a shirt on their head and pretend that the shirt was their long flowing locks. I played the same game. Now, my boys are long hair champions!

I am never going to stop loving that NFL mobile commercial with the nerd. You know, the one who, when his co-workers were talking about last night's football game, says, "Awesome game last night." And then his friends are like, "We got killed!" Reminds me so much of when Dacian thought Peyton Manning played for the Bengals.

My awesome cat nightgown.
Doug doesn't dig my Grandma nightgown. I don't know why. It is so warm and cozy! Cotton, long sleeved, muted pink, little embroidered flowers, length to the knee. Downright adorable! He does, however, enjoy my humorous cat nightgowns, of which I have plenty. Sometimes, I am driven to mad fits of rage when I sleep in those cat gowns. They are so huge that the shirts wrap around me a couple times, and I somehow manage to pin myself down with my gown at night, if that makes any sense. I try to move, but I am trapped in my own gown. These are the problems I face, people.

Fists must taste really good because Jules and Jonas can't get enough of them. Nom nom nom.

In other news, I like to put ice in my milk, that goes for chocolate milk, too. I also like to blow bubbles in my chocolate milk, but never my white milk. The more you know!

1 comment:

  1. I for one am glad you are back to work. I am loving the baby pictures!!!
