Sunday, February 6, 2011

Pineapple on pizza?!

I learned this day that Beetle likes pineapple on her pizza. Haha! I'm telling you, my Mommaw is the coolest kid on the block. Boomer also told me that the Beet is now into watching DVDs, so I've been told to bring her some movies the next time I visit D-town. What should I get her? I've already purchased her some Elvis movies, His Girl Friday, and Breakfast at Tiffany's. What would she like? Steel Magnolias? We saw that as a play at Jenny Wiley one summer with BB the Alien. We could get her a Roku, which was a hit in the Jones household.

Behold, I bring you news of a diet. Yes, a diet. Well, I guess it wouldn't be fair to call it a diet, it's simply a challenge to improve upon my current eating habits. Rules: No poptarts (BLASPHEMY!). No ice cream or giant bowls of sugary cereal after 7pm (and to think, I just bought a box of Apple Jacks and a box of Golden Grahams at Kroger yesterday). Eat a vegetable once a week (evidently, potatoes don't count). Good Lord this is going to be so difficult! Vegetables? Who eats those? They all taste like dirt. I shall pick a vegetable a week (or every other week, we don't want to shock the system) and find some way to prepare it so that it doesn't taste like ass. Vegetable for week 1: zucchini. Stay tuned for a recipe that promises to transform zucchini into something you can stomach!


  1. You should eat more than one vegetable per week, the specific challenge was to eat one *NEW* vegetable or recipe per week.

    The implication being that there are other non-new recipes throughout the week.

  2. Vegetables come from dirt? *blink*
