Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Stop Being A Grouch, Alli G

Doug always hates when I start a conversation with the following, "This morning I was listening to NPR and..."

So, work has been a little stressful lately. Sometimes, I want to punch something. Lately, I have noted myself doing the following: talking to myself aloud (to the point where my cube neighbors ask if I am talking to them), replying to emails aloud instead of via a responding email, flipping the bird to my computer, making stabbing motions with my pen, doing my Ace Ventura mock laugh in meetings and not realizing it until after the meeting and wondering if anyone saw me, listening to gangster rap and pretending I'm hardcore, listening to European Spa music and pretending I'm calm, and being a general grouch bag. 

But, this morning I was listening to NPR and I heard another story about government land grabs in China. A village chief sold his community's farmland right out from under them. The government sent in thugs to chase the little dudes off their farm and the village fought back (probably to no avail). Anyhow, so NPR was interviewing this sad little guy and he said, "Without fields to grow sweet potatoes [and other crap I can't remember], we have to do odd jobs for only $10 a day."

So, boys and girls, the moral of the story is this: be thankful for your job and your country even if some days you think both are run by a bunch of yahoos that make your blood pressure go through the roof because, in the grand scheme of things, most of us have got it made. Step back and get some perspective, dude.

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