Saturday was totally awesome. After watching a terrible season of basketball, I was on the fence about driving down to Lexington on Saturday for the Wildcats' final game. I thought I might have more fun hanging out with my babies and watching the game from my couch. I don't have a big connection to the seniors on the team either (Saturday was senior day). I mean, sure, I like Julius Mays, he is a pretty cool dude, but it wasn't like I was going to cry like a baby like I have done on previous senior nights. I'm just not attached to these dudes. Anyhow, I was debating on whether or not to go to the game.
Well, I went, and I sure am glad I did! That was one of my all time favorite Rupp experiences. It started when Doug said, "Hey, Derek Anderson is over there signing books and there's not a long line." WHAT? Derek Anderson!!! Oh, how I was suddenly back in 6th grade! My heart was going pitter-patter as a DA highlight reel played in my mind. I loved him! I still love him. I definitely went and got in line, bought his book (remember when I bought Ritchie Farmer's book when he came to our grade school back in, God, I must've been in 4th grade or so), and waited for my chance to give him a hug. It was awesome. I told him that I had loved him since 6th grade, and he told me, "Thanks for reminding me how old I am." He was such a nice guy. He thanked me and Doogie for being fans and said there's nothing like UK basketball. Word.
After HUGGING DEREK ANDERSON, we went on in to Rupp and found our seats. We got there right as the senior day activities began. Though I didn't have an emotional attachment to either Twany or Julius, I did get goosebumps--24,000 blue-to-the-bone die hards singing My Old Kentucky Home, that'll make anyone get chills. It was incredible.
And then there was the game and the crowd. Dadgum! That was an unbelievable crowd. I've been to some doozies, but never has Rupp ever been that loud! At half-time, Doug had to go secure us a beverage because I had done tore my throat screaming. It was wild! I found out later that Cal had tweeted for the Rupp crowd to stand and cheer as loud as their little lungs could cheer as soon as the 8 minute mark hit. Well, Rupp was rocking the whole game, and even moreso those last 8 minutes. And, I learned later, too, that Florida didn't score for those last 7 minutes or so. I think that is awesome. Have I ever told you that I love UK basketball?
So happy I went to that game!
Got home Saturday evening and went to Skyline with my boys. Perfect ending to a nice day. But don't you know, those boys of mine are getting so big that they are now sitting in high chairs at restaurants! Pretty soon, they'll be eating coneys.