Sunday, November 6, 2011


My toothbrush reminds me of Thing 1 and Thing 2. It has a red and white body and a blue head. I think of the Cat in the Hat and these two blockheads whilst I brush my teeth.

Christmas is only 45 days away! I have so much shopping to do. And there's my letter to Santa that I need to write. "Come and trim my Christmas tree with some decorations bought at Tiffany!"

Cats get on my nerves. Especially cats named Flash Gordon Gastright. Why is it that every morning around 6 AM, I feel little whiskers on my face? And a cold, wet nose! And why, pray tell, does he have to follow me into the bathroom and proceed to bite my leg while I go number 1? Grrr! He is so bad!

I hate school. That is all.

I hope I can find time this weekend to watch Vietnam in HD. Oh yeah, cable has been turned on for not even a week and I am already recording war documentaries. Who's cool? This gal!

Sometimes I dance in my cube. I wonder if anyone ever sees me breakin it down.

I love UK basketball. You know this. Did you see that Morehouse game? Oh! My! God! Yes, I understand it was an exhibition game, but come on! These boys are ridiculous. P.S. I love Kyle Wiltjer and his sky hook. Prepare thyself for an awesome season of basketball.

Grandpas are awesome: Once, I went to Baskin Robbins with my Pappaw. He let me choose whatever flavor I wanted. I, being an idiot child, chose bubblegum ice cream (whoever invented that flavor needs to be smacked upside the head). It was nasty. Even a stupid kid (i.e., me) couldn't eat it. But what did my heroic Pappaw do? Traded me his butter pecan straight up. Pappaws are awesome.

I know I said earlier that cats get on my nerves, but that's only every once in a while (like every damn morning). I mostly love kittens. It makes me sad when, like tonight on my way home from TBo's play (she made a great hooker, like Julia Roberts and shiz), I see a little kitty run across the street. Why isn't that little kitty in his house sleeping with most of his body (like his fat sack area) under the radiator? That's where kitties belong! Tonight when I lay down to sleep, I am going to say a little prayer for the kitties who live out on the street. Stay warm, kittens!

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