Monday, November 14, 2011

Are You Serious?

Don't judge me based on the bizarreness of my dreams:

I wish I could photoshop Bieber's head on the
Witch King's body.
Saturday night I dreamed that I was Justin Bieber's agent. However, in my dreamland, Justin Bieber was not famous for singing. No, not at all. Instead, his fame stemmed from being known as the world champion cereal mascot slayer. I was his agent and I booked his fights. Donning his suit of armor, which was a replica of the Witch King of Angmar's getup from Lord of the Rings, he slayed Sugar Bear (representin' Golden Crisp), Tucan Sam (Froot Loops), and the Captain (Crunch, ya digg). He was getting ready to fight one of the baddest dudes in town (here is where it gets even wilder), Dr. Who. Apparently, in dreamland there is also a Dr. Who cereal. But Dr. Who was not portrayed by my beloved doctor (David Tennant), he was played by *gasp!* Professor Lasky (of Saved by the Bell the College Years--you know, the prof Kelly K fell in love with)! Like that d-bag would ever be cool enough to be the doctor. At any rate, I don't know who won that epic battle--Beiber or Professor Lasky--I woke up just before show time.

And that's that. I mean, what do you really expect from a girl who had nightmares of Will Smith sacrificing her first born (Mr. Niles) to his weird scientology alien god?!
I don't think CP will ever win the trophy.

In other news, here is a replay of a for real (did not happen in dreamland) conversation we had yesterday with Day-Day:
DV: So, Doug, I hear your Bengals are actually winning games.
Doug: Yes, they've won 6.
DV: Wow. That's more than the 4 they won last year.
Doug: Yep.
DV: And didn't they just trade Peyton Manning?
(long pause as we soak in what we just heard)
AG: Are you serious?
DV: Yeah, I thought they traded their famous QB.
AG: Are you serious?
Doug: Carson Palmer, Dacian. Carson Palmer.
Dacian: Carson Palmer, Peyton Manning. Both names have 2 syllables. I was close.

1 comment:

  1. Dacian sort of resembles Peyton Manning, yes?
