Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Obsessed much? Too much? Or much too much?

Children, my husband is obsessed with our inflatable black cat in the front yard and it's ability to attract the attention of Wallace Woods walkers and their dogs. If he hears a dog bark, he is to the front door lickity-split. Then he laughs. "Oh, Allison, come look at this!" He says. You know, because I've never seen a dog before, or kid entranced with a 6 ft tall, glowing, moving, black cat. Okay, so I enjoy it, too. But the man is a man possessed, I tell ya. He has now rigged up a sound bite to play when a passerby stops to see the black cat. It is a Halloween clip of a cat screeching. Let me tell you, it distresses the shiz out of our fursons. But, it makes the ole ball and chains laugh with glee. I am thinking this is going to be a sort of leg lamp deal with us. I'll turn the speakers off to "save electricity," and he'll get angry and turn them back on to traumatize the neighborhood dogs. What can I say? I love the guy.

How much is too much to spend on a Halloween costume? I want a costume that costs $75. I am too big of a tight wad to buy it, but it would be sooooo awesome! Oh, and I have already purchased one costume, so there's another reason I shouldn't order the second one. Someday, when I am rich, I am going to have a Super Sweet Halloween Party and just like those rich cows on that MTV show My Super Sweet 16, I am going to change outfits multiple times throughout the night. When you arrive, I'll be a pirate. An hour later, I'll be Freddy Kruger. An hour after that I'll be Darth Vader. Then, I'll finish the night off as a pumpkin. Wouldn't that be spectacular? Spooktacular!

In other news, my girl crush on Zooey Deschanel continues to grow. Have you been watching her new show, New Girl? If you haven't, I suggest you do so immediately. It is hilarious. Naturally, Zooey's character is the best, but a close second is the character of Schmit. I am telling you, you will laugh out loud at this clown. Last night's episode...I laughed so loudly that I woke up Flash Gordon who was heavily sawing logs. Watch the show!

1 comment:

  1. Epic blog post, but I wish you'd stop telling lies about me. I don't "rush to the door", it's more of a casual saunter.
