Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Muchito & the Gang

Well, the Baked Mediterranean Vegetables did not turn out as well as I had hoped. I ate some today for lunch and it wasn't that great. Next time, I will use a smaller pan and make more batter, and try to add some more flavor to my was a little bland. Doug still ate it, though, so I guess it wasn't too bad.

Too bad I was too lazy to cook my soup tonight. I had spaghetti and corn on the cob instead. Interesting combo? Points for originality! The Lovely Bones came in from Netflix, and I had to watch. Creepy. Sad. Scary. Highly recommend. The Vegetable Corn Chowder will be conquered tomorrow night. I hope it tastes like Panera Bread's Broccoli and Cheddar soup; that is some good eatin'! I appreciate Panera Bread not only for its delicious food offerings, but also its fine beverage selection. Where else can you get a fountain caffeine free diet Pepsi?

Do you remember that awesome Diet Pepsi jingle? "You got the right one baby, uh-huh uh-huh...Diet Pepsiiiiii!" And the Buttercream Gang totally rocked that joint! You see, the Buttercream Gang differs from other gangs in that it does good deeds. Oh, but do you remember when the gang fell on hard times? When Pete went all hardcore? Upon returning from the dirty city streets of Chicago (or was it New York...I guess it doesn't matter) to his podunk USA town, Pete no longer wanted to help little old ladies cross the street, instead, he wanted to steal their purses and tag the side of their houses. Represent! But, oh, do you hear that? Do you hear that melodious tune? The Buttercream Gang serenades Pete, "You got the right one, baby! Uh-huh!" Pete's small heart grew three sizes that day!

The jingle:

The gang:

The day is almost over, and it's getting dark, or as Mr. Dylan once said, "It's not dark yet, but it's getting there." It's actually cold out here. Granted I am a total wimp, but dang it, I could go for some long sleeves. And by the way, fireworks suck. I've been hearing them all night, and we'll hear them from now to September. Also, why is there a huge fireworks show on Labor Day but not on July 4th? Cincinnati is so hysterical.

Hysterical! Guess who just visited me on the porch? Muchito the cat. Poor little guy, he's skin and bones. I think Doogles and I should put some food out for the little goomer.

1 comment:

  1. Poor muchito.
    We should get him a bag of food from samsclub.
