Wednesday, February 24, 2016

School Day 3

The studs getting ready for school. Look at those muscles!
Remember yesterday when I proudly posted that Julian, although not super thrilled about school, had yet refused to go? Well, scratch that.

This morning, the poor little feller wanted Doug to take him anywhere but school. He wanted to stay home. When that didn't work, he asked to go to Target. The dude was so desperate, he even asked to go to the hospital. To make matters worse, when he arrived at school and got out of the van, he tried to take his Possum with him, only to be denied.

Luckily, according to his teacher, he did eventually perk up.

"Although he did cry initially getting out of the car, Julian settled down quickly and had a nice work morning.  He participated in more lessons and is beginning to learn the classroom procedures and routines.

We will update you on Friday with how the next few days go.

Thank you for sharing Julian with us!"

Jonas working with sand scooping
at school.
I also received an update on the Bear named Joe.

"Jonas has transitioned well, with only a few tears at the start of his day. He will ask for Julian but once we explain that Julian is next door working he seems to calm and begin engaging in activities. His peers are excited to have him as part of our classroom community and eagerly ask to give him lessons. We will update you again on Friday as to how he is progressing."

I still can't believe my baby boys go to school.

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