Thursday, February 25, 2016


When I was a kid, one of my favorite things to do was play Boggle with my Mommaw and cousins. In case you don't know, Boggle is a word game. There's a plastic grid and a bunch of blocks with letters, and you try to make words by stringing together adjacent letters. Got it? It's also timed, and you get double points for words greater than 5 letters.

Anyway, we used to play it all the time. I remember that we always had to be really quiet when shaking up the letters so we didn't wake up Papaw. Truth be told, I bet we could've shook that thing till the cows came home, and he wouldn't have heard it. Still, we were always very quiet. Except for the laughing. 

Fast forward to now. It's been years since I've played a good round of Boggle. I actually had forgotten it existed, until my buddy brought it over to play a couple of weeks ago.  I was so delighted to see it as it brought back so many fond memories.

That night, we discovered that someone else liked Boggle--the dudes. They liked it so much, that my friend bought them their very own game. Now, obviously, they can't play for real, but they do like to take the blocks and build words. I was playing with Jonas, when he started making words.  "C-A-T. Cat! C-A-R. Car!" He yelled excitedly. "A-S. Ass!"

What a funny guy! I only wish my Mommaw could've been there to hear it.

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