Remember that scene with Jessie the Cowgirl's back story? In case you do not have children that force you to watch Toy Story 1, 2, and 3 at least 900 times a day, the scene I am referencing features a little doll whose owner grows up, no longer wants her, and thus drops the little doll off in a cardboard box in the middle of freaking nowhere for donation. All the while, Sarah McLachlan (the same woman who sings about 1-eyed puppies and 3-legged, malnourished cats) sings the most dispiriting song imaginable about how horribly lonely life is when no one loves you.
This scene/song tears my heart out because it makes me think about what may happen to little Poss when Julian grows up.
"When somebody loved me, everything was beautiful. Every hour we spent together lives within my heart. When he loved me."
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