Thursday, May 17, 2012

Cleft Chins

Today, friends, I nearly started a fire at work. It all started with the desire to make a peanut butter sandwich (using the world's best peanut butter--Bee's Knees Peanut Butter with Honey). Well, the peanut butter was in my lunch box, which was in the refrigerator, and so when it came time to spread the pb, it wasn't exactly easy. To add to the troubles, I was using a rinky-dink plastic knife from the cafeteria AND my pb jar was basically empty. So, I thought I'd be smart and stick my jar of pb in the microwave for a few seconds and warm it up so it could easily spread. Well, about 2 seconds in, the sparks started to fly. Luckily, I saw it and opened the door. Why would a jar of peanut butter explode? It's not like it was metal. It was just a plastic jar. Anyway, I quickly grabbed my jar of peanut butter out of the microwave and sat down hoping no one noticed. I didn't want to hear anyone start singing, "Allison started the fire!" like Dwight sang when Ryan started the fire on The Office.

Well, I'm at Week 28 of my pregnancy today. That means in 10 weeks, the boys will be here. Doug is super jealous because on last week's 3-D ultrasound image, you can see that the boys have a dimpled chin just like their mommy! Doug says it's the low quality of the image, but I know the truth. They look like me! Oh! And guess what!! The boys have hair!! Saw it on the ultrasound.

All is well so far with the ole preggers, just waiting on our little dudes to get here. They can take their time because Doug Bear has LOTS of work to do before they arrive. But, he can go ahead and check off procuring footballs, legos, and castles for them. Oh, if you're looking for Doug and Dacian, they'll be out in the garage playing with the boys' toys. I can only imagine what birthdays and Christmases are going to look like from now on. I bet these little dudes will have the coolest toys, compliments of their Daddy (who will thoroughly enjoy putting them together and testing them out).

In other news, I sat in my hammock the other day. I hit the porch when I sat down. Doug had to tighten it up for me. I still have a little over 2 months to go.

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