Saturday, February 11, 2012

What's up?

Did you all watch this week's episode of Justified? It was intense. This season is getting off to a nice start. If you haven't watched it, you need to stop reading right here, because I'm going to ruin it for you (spoiler alert). Well, we all knew that Devil's time was coming to an end. He was back-talking Ava (which earned him a knock upside the head with a cast iron skillet), selling bad weed when Boyd told him to burn it, and generally being a grade A fool. He took the cake on Tuesday night, trying to get Johnny Crowder to go against Boyd, and then pulling a gun on Boyd. Had he not learned that Boyd is a walking, talking, bad-to-the-bone, dude by now? Well, a slug to the chest is what he got. But, because he is Boyd Crowder, the gun-slinger asked if Devil needed something for his pain? "Close your eyes, son!" Great television! And then of course, we can't forget our ole friend Dewey Crowe. After Boyd Crowder, Dewey is my favorite. I am telling you people what, if only you lived in southeastern Kentucky and knew some of the people from my past (mostly my cousins' friends), Dewey Crowe would be even more hilarious to you. The actor who plays him is Australian, did you know that? I didn't either. I just looked it up. That man should win an Oscar. Dewey, you have to survive the organ harvesters! You gotta live to entertain me more throughout the season!

In other news, I am in my second trimester of pregnancy. Woo-hoo! That means that maybe I will stop feeling like death. That also means, I am rapidly expanding. Soon, you will see my belly before you see me. I have also become quite popular, and people are suddenly always wondering how I am feeling. But I see through them! I know they only care about my babies! I am a mere vessel. I am told that once my belly gets enormous, strangers will ask to rub it. Is that for real? I can't handle that. I don't want some random schmuck touching my tum-tum. Though my personal bubble has grown, it's still there, people! Here's to hoping I make it through the end without some weirdo rubbing my belly like I'm some freaking Buddah figurine.

Speaking of weirdos and freaky things, last night I had a dream that I went to a concert for Mitchell the vampire from Being Human (UK). Only, I had confused Mitchell with Warren Barfield. I thought I was going, and taking friends and family, to a nice concert, when low and behold Mitchell started doing some crazy Prince meets Alice Cooper type theatrics on the stage. There were only about 11 people in the audience, and we all cleared out of there. So weird. When it comes to dreams, I've always had some doozies, but I'm telling you, they may be getting worse.

1 comment:

  1. You and your crazy dreams!
    Though I guess when you sleep 13-14 hours a night you have more chances for crazy dreams.
